Encode Explorer

Warning: Undefined array key "page" in /data01/virt5442/domeenid/www.siineiolekala.net/encode/index.php on line 45
Encode Explorer is a file browser written in PHP, XHTML and CSS. It displays the list of files in a folder. It was designed to be used in safe mode and so it is kept simple and functional. Free for everyone. If you like the script and you find it useful, consider donating:
Version 6.4
Marek 2015-07-02 00:34:37

A new release after a long time. Many thanks to all the contributors!

If you wish to add new or updated translations to the project, please submit them as a GitHub pull request.

Due to an overwhelming amount of automated spam in the guestbook, I've had to remove it for now. Please use GitHub for reporting any bugs that you find.

Version 6.3
marek 2011-09-23 03:55:51

Some improvements with this new release:
* Validates as HTML5 now
* Fixed issue with the delete button border
* Fixed character encoding problem in the deletion popup
* Added the Finnish translation (thanks Miikka!)

My thanks to everyone who reported bugs, they should all be fixed now. If they still show up or you find new ones, let me know.

Version 6.2
marek 2011-09-08 01:28:58

It has been the most requested feature and now it is finally included - file and folder deletion. In order to activate it, you must configure delete_enable=true and specify at least one username and password for admin. Other than that, this release fixed a few bugs which have been reported. Thank you for the feedback!

Also, big thanks to the new translators: Andre and Gregory Ferreira (Portugese), Piotr (Polish), Zeno (Hungarian) and indamix (Russian).

In addition to SourceForge, the project can now be found on GitHub.

A little bit of code for anyone who wants to stop people from hotlinking their files. Make a file called .htaccess with this contents (personalise as needed) and put it in your directory:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://(.+\.)?mysite\.com/ [NC]
RewriteRule \.(gif|jpe?g|png)$ - [F,NC,L]

Finally, please post your feedback to the guestbook or send urgent messages by e-mail. Any bug reports are greatly appreciated!

Version 6.1
marek 2011-04-23 15:33:57

A minor update which adds some backward compatibility. When version 6.0 required PHP 5.3 then this should work with PHP 5.0 as well.

Also, the script currently contains many languages but most of them are incomplete. As many new strings have been added during these updates, only the English version has all of them. If you create a new translation, post it in the guestbook and I'll add it in the next version.

Version 6.0
marek 2011-04-17 23:41:36

A new version is out. An overview of changes:
* Updated design with new icons.
* Thumbnails for image and pdf files.
* An alternative interface that is optimised for mobile browsing.
* Logging of visitor actions on the site.
* E-mail notifications of new uploads.
* Restrict file types that can be uploaded.
* Restrict directories that accept new uploads.
* Password protection on the whole site for private browsing.
* Improved size calculation for very large files.

Many of these features are disabled by default. To enable them, read the README and edit the settings in the beginning of the index file.
As always, if you find any bugs, please let me know.

Version: 5.1
Marek 2011-01-29 23:49:00

Time for a small maintenance update:

* Some users have reported problems with special characters. I modified the code some more to improve the handling of ampersands and apostrophes. All the filenames that get displayed on screen go through htmlspecialchars(), all filenames used in the links go through rawurlencode(). Hopefully this will provide maximum security together with the best performance. If you find any other characters that misbehave, please let me know.
* Added new languages. Thanks to the contributors: Mikael Westerholm (swedish), Tor Gjerrestad (norwegian), Nephlim (slovakian), Marc (french). Unfortunately the Czech and Romanian translations could not be used as they were submitted with a different encoding (it should be utf-8) which messed up the characters.

A few more important points that seem to come up:
* Make sure you make and save your changes using the utf-8 encoding. If you don't, there will likely be problems with images and languages.
* If you have feature requests, I will take them under consideration for future versions. However, this code is also meant as a learning tool so if you need some custom functionality, don't be afraid to modify it yourself.
* Reports on bugs and security holes are always very welcome. If there is something urgent, you can reach me at marek ät siineiolekala dot net, otherwise please post them in the guestbook.

Version: 5.0
Marek 2009-09-27 14:26:22

Almost exactly 2 years after the previous release, here's a new one. Rewrote most of the code plus several bugfixes and updates.

* The source code is now reorganised following OOP principles. Though there are still many style issues (due to keeping compatibility with PHP4 and the single file restriction), hopefully it is now more understandable.
* Added breadcrumbs functionality.
* Fixed security issues with browsing unwanted directories.
* Fixed problems with folder names containing certain characters.
* Validates as XHTML Strict again.
* Added new languages (big thanks to the submitters!)

The current list of languages: Albanian, German, Greek, English, Spanish, Estonian, French, Italian, Dutch, Romanian, Turkish. Due to new strings added, most of them are not complete at the moment. If you find time to update them or add a new language, please post it in the comments. Would be great if you also make sure that the translated text fits into the design.

This last version contains large portions of new code, only tested by me on a few systems. Therefore it will probably contain a few bugs in the beginning and I very much appreciate any bug reports.

Release: 4.0
Marek 2007-09-30 23:40:00

New release is out. Changes:
* Added translations: Albanian, Spanish, French and Romanian. Thanks to the translators!
* Most comments and variable names are now in english.
* For very large files, displaying the file size should now work better.
* Creating directories.
* Only one file. Even the pictures (icons) are encoded into the php file. Encode Explorer finally deserves its name. :)

It's sort of an experimental version, I'd gladly hear some feedback. But if You don't want to experiment then 3.4 is still available.

New webpage
Marek 2007-07-24 11:15:25

The project webpage has been rewritten and should look better now. Soon there will be an update for the encode explorer also.

Old changelogs
Marek 2007-07-24 11:13:01

Changes in different versions

* ver 3.4
* Bugfix version. Uploaded files are now chmoded properly.
* ver 3.3
* Added support for english (and future translations).
* ver 3.2
* Fixed a problem with slashes and quotes in filenames.
* ver 3.1
* Fixed some problems with validating. Added support to specify the location of the file
* (only needed in some servers with odd settings).
* ver 3.0
* The code validates as XHTML 1.0 Strict.
* Added file upload support (doesn't work in safe mode).
* Fixed several bugs and security holes. Files are sorted by name by default.
* ver 2.3
* Fixed the hiding of .ftpquota and a sorting bug. Some optimization.
* Added php code highlight and hiding of index.php
* ver 2.2
* Fixed several security holes.
* ver 2.1
* The code validates as HTML 4.01.
* ver 2.0
* Total code rewrite from scratch. Much smaller and optimized now.
* Removed the option to edit files. Added display of file size and edit time.
* Sorting works now.
* ver 1.8
* Fixed two serious bugs.
* ver 1.7
* Added icons and editing for css, jsp and sql files.
* ver 1.6
* Added a function that displays the folders before files.
* ver 1.5
* Fixed a bug with passwords and a problem with moderating files in subfolders.
* ver 1.4
* You can now edit php, html, html, js and txt files from your browser.
* ver 1.3
* Added broswer upload in safe mode. Note: Due to horrible functionality
* it has been removed from future releases.
* ver 1.2
* Added used space display.
* ver 1.1
* Added a function that removes the .ftpquota files (generated by zone.ee) from the list.

Version 6.0
marek 0000-00-00 00:00:00

A new version is out. An overview of changes:
* Updated design with new icons.
* Thumbnails for image and pdf files.
* An alternative interface that is optimised for mobile browsing.
* Logging of visitor actions on the site.
* E-mail notifications of new uploads.
* Restrict file types that can be uploaded.
* Restrict directories that accept new uploads.
* Password protection on the whole site for private browsing.
* Improved size calculation for very large files.

Many of these features are disabled by default. To enable them, read the README and edit the settings in the beginning of the index file.
As always, if you find any bugs, please let me know.