minVersion.php Results

Results took 0.009 seconds to render.
The minimum PHP version you need installed to run the PHP files in this directory is: 5.3

Show Results
array (62 occurences) - PHP 4
microtime (3 occurences) - PHP 4
gmdate (6 occurences) - PHP 4
md5 (4 occurences) - PHP 4
header (18 occurences) - PHP 4
base64_decode (4 occurences) - PHP 4
imagecreatefromstring (2 occurences) - PHP 4
imagealphablending (4 occurences) - PHP 4
imagesavealpha (4 occurences) - PHP 4.3
imagesx (2 occurences) - PHP 4
imagesy (2 occurences) - PHP 4
imagecolorallocatealpha (2 occurences) - PHP 4.3
imagefill (2 occurences) - PHP 4
imagepng (2 occurences) - PHP 4
getimagesize (2 occurences) - PHP 4
imagecreatefromjpeg (2 occurences) - PHP 4
imagecreatefromgif (2 occurences) - PHP 4
imagecreatefrompng (2 occurences) - PHP 4
date (4 occurences) - PHP 4
error_log (2 occurences) - PHP 4
log (4 occurences) - PHP 4
mail (2 occurences) - PHP 4
session_name (2 occurences) - PHP 4
session_start (2 occurences) - PHP 4
isset (4 occurences) - PHP 4
strlen (5 occurences) - PHP 4
urlencode (1 occurences) - PHP 4
count (22 occurences) - PHP 4
str_replace (2 occurences) - PHP 4
basename (2 occurences) - PHP 4
chmod (2 occurences) - PHP 4
scandir (2 occurences) - PHP 5
unlink (4 occurences) - PHP 4
reset (2 occurences) - PHP 4
rmdir (2 occurences) - PHP 4
filemtime (3 occurences) - PHP 4
htmlspecialchars (8 occurences) - PHP 4
rawurlencode (6 occurences) - PHP 4
print (23 occurences) - PHP 4
filesize (2 occurences) - PHP 4
exec (2 occurences) - PHP 4
explode (4 occurences) - PHP 4
finfo_open (2 occurences) - PHP 5.3
finfo_file (2 occurences) - PHP 5.3
preg_split (4 occurences) - PHP 4
strtolower (4 occurences) - PHP 4
stripslashes (3 occurences) - PHP 4
print_r (2 occurences) - PHP 4
is_writable (4 occurences) - PHP 4
date_default_timezone_set (1 occurences) - PHP 5.1
closedir (4 occurences) - PHP 4
getcwd (2 occurences) - PHP 4
round (4 occurences) - PHP 4
in_array (2 occurences) - PHP 4
usort (4 occurences) - PHP 4
array_reverse (4 occurences) - PHP 4
strnatcasecmp (1 occurences) - PHP 4
sort (2 occurences) - PHP 4
array_rand (2 occurences) - PHP 4
htmlentities (2 occurences) - PHP 4
printf (2 occurences) - PHP 4
strcasecmp (1 occurences) - PHP 4

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